
Digital Marketing

/Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing2019-04-29T06:47:11+00:00

Digital Marketing

ActaFi will work with your digital strategy team to effectively and efficiently apply digital marketing programs to run within your supply chain.

Services we provide in digital marketing are:

Create or optimize content management systems that are ideal for your business

Invest in a long-term asset to your business

Content Management Systems

When organizations need a new or updated website, the ideal option would be to make use of a Content Management System (CMS) to build it. CMS streamlines the process of multiple content contributors, and it enables faster development, as it allows for an agile design setup and maintenance platform. CMS involves selecting customized templates for your website, as opposed to coding your entire website from scratch. Reduced costs across web administration, web development, and multiple editors make CMS a cost effective approach, and a simpler process. Additionally, real-time content updates can be made without affecting the e-com operations of the organization.

Integrate Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Metadata and E-Com platforms

The benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are endless. SEO is the smartest marketing investment organizations can make. It is a long-term asset to your business. It generates traffic, leads, and sales. It does not require any advertising. The goal of any marketing activity to create higher overall ROI, which is easily achieved by SEO. High SEO rankings allows you to create awareness for potential customers about your brand. In other words, awareness of your brand will increase with the help of SEO. SEO will also build your brand equity.